
Visiting Sandringham – Physiotherapist, Meet the Burn Ward

Visiting Sandringham – Physiotherapist, Meet the Burn Ward

As a physiotherapist, Sandringham is a town I have long visited. It was on my way to work one day and I saw a line of people waiting in the physiotherapist office. It was a very nice scene, filled with interesting people who were just there to have a good time. The physiotherapist came out and spoke with us and after we talked a bit, he asked if we wanted to take a look at the burn ward. As it was only one room, it was not too long and we went inside and saw this fantastic place.

Visiting Sandringham – Physiotherapist, Meet the Burn Ward

As we walked along the ward, the burnt man could not help smiling as he told us all about his condition. It was a terrible situation as his skin had been severely burned and the skin above the burns was totally smooth but the man did not feel any pain. The physiotherapist then explained to us that the physiotherapy would need to continue for a few more days to get this man back to a good state of health, but he was going to try and be as healthy as possible so as to make the rest of his life comfortable. He asked us if we would like to find out more about the area of the burns.

We were really impressed by the burns ward and found it to be very interesting. This was a place where you could be treated very gently but still received top quality care. We were even able to speak to some of the patients who had come for physiotherapy. As well as the burn victims, there were many other people who had been in the area for other reasons, and they were able to give us some really interesting stories about their experience. It was great to learn that the local people in the area were so helpful and polite and made us feel very welcome.

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